Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How to talk

I'm almost done with what some book critics call the "parenting bible." I'm usually a little skeptical with books that claim to be a bible of some sort but this one came so highly recommended by "real" people that I just had to give it a shot.

It's a thumbs up.

I particularly like the authors' style of asking the reader (presumably a parent, or nanny which brings me to another review later on the book I'm currently attempting to read called The Nanny Diaries) to put him/herself in the child's shoes to understand what the child could potentially feel if spoken to in a certain way.

Also, apparently there is a correct way to praise, and it is not "good boy/girl" or "that was brilliant" etc...

Another surprise: Saying "I'm proud of you!" doesn't necessarily make the child feel good about him/herself!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Imitating everything she sees

If you are a Disney fan, you'll probably know Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum from Disney's animation of Alice in Wonderland.

These are the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in our family.

Mary Poppins and robin singing "Just a Spoonful of Sugar."

Our own "Mary Poppins" and little sister's plush chicken singing "Just a Spoonful of Sugar."

Friday, August 8, 2008

Playing the big sister

The older sister acts like one.
The little sister is thrilled!

(video taken on 30 June 2008)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

10 months old

In a blink of an eye, Marisa turns 10 months old. She started to stand for a few seconds at a time today, without support.

Marisa is fast becoming a little chatterbox like her older sister ("papa," "mama," "ayee" @that's how she addresses her older sister, "bye bye," "paipai" @oppai in japanese meaning she wants to be breastfed, etc), and already knows how to play passing games and to make gestures (waving, clapping, tapping on her head, etc). A favorite past time is opening the kitchen cabinets to pull out the sieve or dance to her reflection on the oven window.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Daddy's dancer girl!

A dress and a bouquet (who cares if it's just parsley!).

Daddy was to complete the picture. Maybe she's been watching too much of that Anastasia animation on DVD where Anastasia dances with her father, the Tsar, in a scene.

As you can see far from being Tsar-like, daddy, still a bit dazed in pajamas, had no idea what hit him when Minori grabbed his hand and said, "daddy, let's dance like this!"

Apartment tour: Girls' room

Thanks to our lovely landlady Hanna, Minori and Marisa have a room in our rented apartment decorated just for them! It looks quite bare because the girls play out in the living room usually.

After bringing home a parsley plant from the supermarket, Minori took it, changed into a dress, and started dancing with it like it were a bouquet of flowers! Girls will be girls!